Special Note: If you have not submitted your village services application directly to the Village, please fill out this application and return to the 2nd floor of the Glen Ellyn Civic Center, 535 Duane Street.
Before you start, you must have an Account Number and Customer ID. This information will show on your monthly Village Services Bill mailed to your address. Contact the Village at billing@elenellyninfo.org or call 630.469.5000 for all questions regarding your new service bill. Click Here or Navigate to glenellyn.org and click online payment to start.
Register a new account by clicking on Citizen Self Service, then the Register button. Provide a new User ID, Password, and Email to create a new Login.Link a Customer Account and Utility Bill Accounts by clicking Link to accountReturn back to the main screen at any time by clicking the User icon and selecting My AccountNote your Account Number, Customer ID (CID), and exact spelling of Customer Name as shown on the monthly Village Services Bill mailed to your address Link a Customer Account by entering the Customer ID from your monthly bill. Enter your Name as it shows on your bill LAST, FIRST order in CAPS with comma and space. An error may display if Customer ID and Name do not match the system.Link a Service Account by entering the Account Number and Customer ID from your monthly bill.If accounts are linked successfully, they will appear as shown. Click the Account Number link to show billing information.Pay online by clicking Pay Now